read_azel_datfile, data_start=20, obstime=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2023-09-25 18:54:07.990764>)[source] [edit on github]

This reads in a processed MMTO pointing run data file that has four columns:

az observed, alt observed, az raw, el raw

where the observed values are calculated from the targets’ astronomy and observation time and the raw values are as reported by the axis encoders. All values in units of degrees.


Name of the data file to read

data_startint (default: 20)

Where the pointing data starts within the file. This should be the default of 20 if the file has the header info that the old TPOINT(tm) program requires. This should be 0 for a bare file that doesn’t contain that.


Time the data were taken. This is pretty strictly optional since mount code takes this into account when calculating the astrometric az/el for each target.

coo_obs, coo_rawSkyCoord instances

Actual observed az/el coordinates for each target, raw az/el coordinates as reported by the az/el encoders