PyTelPoint API Documentation

This is the detailed API documentation for pytelpoint as generated from docstrings within the code.


pytelpoint.fitting Module


azel_fit(coo_ref, coo_meas[, nsamp, ntune, ...])

Fit full az/el pointing model using PyMC.


Pull out the best fit parameters from a pointing model fit and return them as a dict. Module


read_azel_datfile(filename[, data_start, ...])

This reads in a processed MMTO pointing run data file that has four columns:

read_raw_datfile(filename[, obstime])

This reads the raw pointing data files as produced by the MMTO mount code.

pytelpoint.stats Module


skyrms(coo_ref, coo_meas)

Calculate sky RMS of the offsets between reference and measured coordinates in the same way as TPOINT(tm).

psd(coo_ref, coo_meas[, nterms])

Calculate the population standard deviation, PSD, the way TPOINT(tm) does.

pytelpoint.transform Module


azel_model(coo[, ia, ie, an, aw, ca, npae, ...])

Apply 8-term alt-az pointing model to set of raw alt-az coordinates and return corrected coordinates.

pytelpoint.visualization Module


pointing_histogram(coo_ref, coo_meas[, ...])

Plot histogram of separations between reference coordinates, coo_ref, and measured coordinates, coo_meas.

pointing_residuals(coo_ref, coo_meas[, ...])

Plot of pointing residuals in az/el space

pointing_sky(coo_ref, coo_meas[, style])

Plot of pointing errors as a function of sky position

pointing_azel_resid(coo_ref, coo_meas[, style])

Plot of az/el pointing residuals as a function of az/el

plot_corner(idata[, quantiles, truths, ...])

Make corner plot from outputs of a pymc az/el fit


Make posterior probability distributions plot from a pymc fit